A powerful tool

Thirteen months ago my life became a knot, a giant, enormous knot.

Almudena Cid, a Spanish gymnast and the only gymnast worldwide to have competed in four Olympic finals in rhythmic gymnastics, in “Walking without toes to move forward with balance in the face of life’s twists and turns” explains how her experience as a top athlete helped her when the centre of her life fell apart.

My life has also fallen apart. I am not a competitive athlete but I am fortunate to have a powerful tool at my disposal: Kundalini Yoga.

In March 2018, by chance, I attended a workshop to combat stress through breathing. At that time I practiced Zumba twice a week and I thought it was good for me because it helped me to let go of all the stress I had been accumulating for years. However, that workshop gave me pause for thought.

It was taught by Paola Petrelli (Siri Avtar Kaur, her spiritual name) who was a yoga teacher at the sports centre in the town where I live. After that workshop, I wanted to try one of her classes.

I remember my first class and the feeling of “being at home”. It didn’t take me long to leave the Zumba classes and replace them with Kundalini Yoga. A year later, one day in class, Siri Avtar spoke about teacher training that would allow us to go deeper into this practice.

In March 2020, just when we were locked up because of the pandemic, I started a journey that I experienced from the beginning as wonderful. I was not wrong.

In 2020 I got certified a Kundalini Yoga instructor (level 1 certified by KRI); in 2021 I specialised in and I specialised in pre and post-natal yoga and in 2022 I started level 2.

The journey I started in March 2020 has led me to change habits and, especially in the last 13 months, to experience all that Kundalini Yoga brings beyond the mat and the class. Because, as I have said so many times in my classes, the power of this practice is in the day-to-day.

And because it is helping me a lot to untangle the knot, I want to share it with you. Do you want to live your own experience? Contact me